Project Status

Emissary is a work in progress, but we’re making incredible progress. Here are some of high-level goals for the initial version, and where we are on each of them. For a more detailed view, you’re welcome to come visit the project kanban and GitHub page.

Content: Core

Title Description Status
Create and Share Making a website is fast and easy READY
Private Group Sites Make a collaborative site with many users READY
Themes Swappable themes for every domain READY
Templates Custom, downloadable templates for every content type READY
Widgets Interchangeable widgets to mark up pages READY
Workflow Customizable workflow rules based on swappable actions READY
Image Uploads Upload and transcode images READY
Supported Storage Providers Local Filesystem, AWS READY
Security Simple access settings for most cases READY
Audio Uploads Upload and transcode audio files -
Video Uploads Upload and transcode video files -
Additional Storage Providers Azure, Google, Dropbox -

Content: Templates

Title Description Status
WYSIWIG Editor Uses block based Editor.js READY
Markdown Editor Uses Easy-MDE READY
Folders Display child streams in several layouts. For Blogs/Podcasts/Directories PREVIEW
Photo Gallery Displays photos in a few different formats. PREVIEW
Chat/Forum Realtime chat room/forum features using streams. -

Social: General

Title Description Status
Post Create and edit new posts in your timeline PREVIEW
Follow Follow others’ posts PREVIEW
Block Block malicious or abusive users PREVIEW
Syndicate In Pull posts from other networks into Emissary PREVIEW
Syndicate Out Forward posts from Emissary to other networks PREVIEW
Profiles+ Like site themes, allow users to choose their profile template -
WebRTC Private Video Conferencing -

Social: RSS Reader

Title Description Status
RSS Poll Poll RSS Feeds for updates READY
WebSub Basic Realtime push via WebSub READY
WebSub Advanced Use WebSub “fat pings” -
RSSCloud Realtime push via RSS-Cloud -

Social: ActivityPub

Title Description Status
Self-Federation Connects to other Emissary servers READY
Federate with Mastodon Send/Receive posts, replies, and likes READY
Federate with PixelFed Send/Receive posts, replies, and likes PREVIEW
Federate with Mitra Custom work to validate Mitra -flavored ActivityPub PREVIEW
Federate with PeerTube Custom work to validate PeerTube-flavored ActivityPub PREVIEW

Social: Content Actors

Streams in Emissary can be their own ActivityPub actors, and can respond to external events according to pre-defined rules.

Title Description Status
Relay Responses Pages can boost responses to followers PREVIEW
Relay Child Streams Pages can boost any child pages to followers PREVIEW
Followers Only Limit boosts to content from followers only PREVIEW
Manage Followers Choose who can (and can’t) follow a content actor -

Social: IndieWeb

Title Description Status
IndieAuth rel=me tags in personal profiles READY
IndieAuth+ Social sign in via external services -
MicroFormats Default templates coded with Microformats READY
WebMentions Sends/Receive WebMention updates PREVIEW
WebMentions+ Collect/display mentions in personal inbox IN PROGRESS

Social: Next

Emerging social networking standards (BlueSky?, Scuttlebutt? Willow?) should fit nicely into Emissary’s existing architecture. We will evaluate each to determine our future strategy.

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