Dynamic Forms

Emissary uses a simplified version of JSON-Forms to define HTML forms. Forms describe the user interface, while Schemas map out the structure of the data. The two work together to generate safe, validated data inputs that can be defined by app developers.

Example JSON-Form

	"form": {
		"children": [
			{"type":"text", "path":"name", "label":"Name"},
			{"type":"select", "path":"email", "label":"Group"},
			{"type":"toggle", "path":"isActive", "label":"Active?"},


Every form element accepts the same set of parameters.

Name Description
type The data type of the form element to display (detailed below)
id ID of the element - needed by some widgets to identify themselves in the HTML DOM
path Dotted path to the field in the target object. For instance label or data.customValue
label Human-friendly label to display next to the field
description Human-friendly description (or hint) often displayed below the field in gray text
children An array of additional elements used by layouts to display inside this widget.
readOnly A boolean value. If true, then this field value is displayed in plain HTML and cannot be changed.
options Type-specific options (such as lookup providers) required by individual data types

Data Types

Widget Description
checkbox Group of checkboxes defined by the provided Lookup Code
heading Static HTML heading based on the provided value
hidden Includes an invisible “hidden” element in the resulting HTML
label Static HTML label based on the provided value
layout-group Displays children elements in a grouped layout
layout-horizontal Displays children elements in a horizontal layout
layout-tabs Displays children elements in a tabbed layout
layout-vertical Displays children elements in a vertical layout
multiselect Custom multiple selection widget (similar to checkbox)
radio Group of radio buttons defined by the provided Lookup Code
select Single selection box defined by the provided `Lookup Code
text Single-line text box
textarea Multi-line text box
toggle Custom toggle widget (similar to checkbox)

Lookup Codes

Several content types require additional data to render – such as checkboxes, radio buttons, and select boxes. These lookup codes are defined in one of several places:

1. Lookup Provider

Emissary includes a number of standard “lookup providers” that can be used to populate a widget.

Provider Description
following-behaviors Lists the different kinds of messages that can be imported from a “Following” source.
following-rule-actions List the different ways that rules can be imported from a “Following” source.
rule-actions Lists the different actions that can be taken when a rule is triggered on incoming content
rule-types Lists the different kinds of rules that can be defined in the system
folders Lists all folders present in the current user’s inbox (Writable)
folder-icons Lists all of the pre-defined icons that can annotate an inbox folder
groups Lists all of the User Groups present in the system (Writable)
sharing Lists the different options for simple sharing
themes Lists all of the themes defined in the system

2. Element “Enum”

If the form element includes an enumeration in the form of: "options":{"enum":["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"]} then these values will be used to populate the widget.

3. Schema “Enum”

If the schema definition of the data type includes an enumeration in the form of enum:["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"] then these values will be used to populate the widget